Suicide ~ Would you know how to talk to a suicidal friend?

Suicide is the single cause of death in men under the age of 50. Divorced men or those whose relationships have broken down are three times more at risk.

Do you know anyone who is struggling?  Would you feel able to ask if they were thinking of ending their lives?  Asking them does not make it any more likely to happen.  Most people don’t want to end their lives – it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

A person bereaved by suicide is at a higher risk of attempting suicide him or herself.  Recognise when a person might be at risk – they may withdraw, make statements such as “I am worthless” or “I am a burden” etc.  They may be in a lot of pain, alcohol or drug dependent or displaying mood swings. 

If you recognise someone may be struggling, speak to them and let them know that you are concerned.  Although a difficult conversation to have, it is important to ask directly if they are thinking of suicide. 

Find out if the person has a plan in place and offer to make things more manageable – whatever seems best at the time.

It is wise to have a few resources prepared – sources of help such as The Samaritans (call 116 123 24hrs a day).  Hub of Hope is an app where you enter the postcode and they will give details of nearby help available.  Be sure to arrange to meet and talk again soon.

If you would like to help save a life from suicide, consider taking some training – it takes less than one hour:

Do you need someone to talk to?  I am here to help: 0797 4443363

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