Sometimes it is not possible for someone to visit my therapy room in person and Zoom can be a useful option. The session will run much the same as a face-to-face session would do but there are some extra considerations too.
There are a number of advantages – if someone is working away from home, they need not miss their session, and a housebound person can still receive help. Some clients find it easier to talk when they are not in the same room as their therapist (this may not be the case for you). A Zoom session means you do not need to factor in travel time and cost.
I will be in my therapy room as usual but you’ll be responsible for ensuring privacy your end. You will need to make sure that nobody will interrupt you, turning off phones and other forms of contact. Some people prefer to talk while they are on a walk or to sit in their car – whatever works best for you.
Occasionally technical problems can arise that affect the link online but we will agree a course of action in case that happens.
Before the first session, I will e-mail you the forms I would normally use when seeing somebody face-to-face. These must be completed and returned before the session starts for insurance purposes.
I will send a link for the meeting beforehand, all you need to do is click on it and Zoom will guide you through the process – very easy to set up and use.
To find out more give me a call: 0797 4443363